Since ive lost you, im lost too.
We're not perfect. Any of us. We make mistakes, we screw up but then we forgive and move forward...
en småsak blir till en stor sak helt utan orsak.

I took my love down to Violet Hill. .

But if there's one thing about you that I admire, It's baby, because you stay with me. Maybe cause you're as crazy as I am. .

Jag vet inte varför men jag återvänder alltid hit, det var väl något vi gjorde, något vi sa här som förändrade mitt liv.

Beautiful. .
My happiness, is you!

Written In The Stars.


If you love me, Why'd you let me go? If you love me, Won't you let me know?

We're living in a glasshouse,Cause everything's shattering all around.

Through all my ups and downs, you always stayed around. .

I'll never be your first kiss, I'll never be your first love and I'm not your first valentine, first fight, first teddy bear or first date. I'm not in this to be your first anything, I just want to be your last.

Everything I am and everything in me, wants to be the one, you want me to be.

Mmm godis :) <3

TO 2011

Late pics.

I love u!

Let's get down to business.

Jag grät och vi kysstes fast jag borde ha bett dig att gå, och jag ska aldrig mer säga sanningen till någon som saknar förmågan att förstå. .

Beautiful boy !

Do you wanna be somebody else

I ♥ U
Say what you think, not what you think you should say!
Allting har förändrats men du finns kvar.

W T F ?

Don't akt like I never told you!

Gott Nytt År !!

Shopping spree