I'm no man.
See i'm a man, and a man gon' do what he gotta do
And he ain't really family if he ain't loyal to you
If they was really soldiers then they would do what we do
And be loyal to crew and crew was loyal to you..
"Before you judge me, try hard to love me"

Soft life!

G.N.O ! <3






Forever blowing bubbles. .

Summer feelings!

Här rastar vi hunden med stil ..... or not ;P

stiligt eller hur?

I'll take one shot for my pain, One drag for my sorrow. Get messed up today, I'll be ok tomorrow.!

Oh what A beautiful day!

We are young!
He's coming home again.

You ain't gonna' make or break me!

Ditt snygga fanskap !
If this is true love, you won't do what you did last time,you won't screw up this time.

Förra valborg.

Snart är det exakt ett år sen denhär bilden togs. saknar mitt halsband om jag ska vara helt ärlig.
Guld och färg på smycken och accessoarer i sommar!

The pain is my only a reminder that he was real.

Saturday night!




Ibalnd är livet fint! har precis ducshat och börjat på ciderna (Y) mmhmhhh

I think you Love Me!
todaaay !
Sing with me, sing for the year, sing for the laughter, sing for the tears, sing with me now, just for today, maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

Old enough to know better, But too young to care...

Want it!

Yet everybody just feels like they can relate, I guess words are a mothafucka, they can be great.

I take a bow and thank you all for coming out.

If I could stop the time when I needed a break
Get off the train and let it go it's way
If I could stop the time, let it all fly by
Take a deep, long breath and stay for a while
I wouldn't know what to say
But maybe I wouldn't feel this way. .
En dag kommer du vakna upp och inse hur mycket du älskade henne och hon kommer vakna upp brevid killen som redan visste det.


hempel 18.

Whatherphiphe (Y)

I've fallen in love with you but you don't exist.